Infographic: 50 Things We Don't Do Anymore Due to Technology

(Click to enlarge the Infographic).

The above Infographic is by the online backup service Mozy (@mozy).

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you strategically publish and market pbooks, ebooks, and audiobooks.

Download our white paper, “Tech, Trends, & Retail Success: See the Future and Act Now,” in which we detail the elements of creating extreme retail in-store experiences.

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How 'Big Data' is Changing Lives

Data is increasingly defining us - from the information we share on the Web, to that collected by the numerous companies with whom we interact. Intrigued by the sheer scales involved, photojournalist Rick Smolan wanted to see how data was transforming the world.

Here, as part of the BBC News - What If? series about the future, take a look at his global snapshots - compiled in his book The Human Face of Big Data (@FaceOfBigData).

See this slideshow in full.

Consider how publishing fits in to the Big Data picture.

Also see our previous blogposts “Learning in the Digital Age” and “Digital Nation,” and all our posts tagged “Youth” and “Future.”

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you strategically publish and market pbooks, ebooks, and audiobooks.

Download our white paper, “Tech, Trends, & Retail Success: See the Future and Act Now,” in which we detail the elements of creating extreme retail in-store experiences.

Learn about SomersaultSocial (@SomersaultHelp), our Web-based author online marketing education modules.

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And be sure to bookmark and use daily the SomersaultNOW online dashboard; especially the Book Discovery Sites tab.

Gesture-Control Gadget For Your Laptop to be Released

New technology scheduled to be released in May has possibilities to facilitate new ways of creating and displaying content.

The Leap Motion (@LeapMotion) controller plugs into almost any newer laptop and allows you to manipulate the screen via a series of hand and finger movements in the air. It's like having a touchscreen computer, but without actually touching the screen.

Watch the above video.

Read this in full.

How will this transforming device contribute to the content you’re publishing?

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you strategically publish and market pbooks, ebooks, and audiobooks.

Download our white paper, “Tech, Trends, & Retail Success: See the Future and Act Now,” in which we detail the elements of creating extreme retail in-store experiences.

Learn about SomersaultSocial (@SomersaultHelp), our Web-based author online marketing education modules.

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And be sure to bookmark and use daily the SomersaultNOW online dashboard; especially the Book Discovery Sites tab.

Warc, Deloitte 2013 Marketing Key Trends Report

Anti-business sentiment, the evolving path to purchase, and broadening definitions of social media are among the main issues now facing marketers, according to the Toolkit 2013 trend report released by Warc (@WarcEditors) and Deloitte (@Deloitte).

The Toolkit 2013 report highlights 4 key priorities for brands:

1. Gain an increasingly in-depth understanding of changing consumer expectations, as hard-pressed shoppers take their anger out on major corporations in difficult times.

Companies must show they are making a positive difference by focusing on areas like values, ethics and authenticity, contributing to an easier life, or solving everyday problems.

2. Understand the impact of technology on the path to purchase, in particular the rise of "showrooming" (comparing products and prices while in stores on a mobile phone) and "multi-screening" (using digital devices while watching TV).

These trends suggest marketers should look at more closely aligning in-store messages with mobile, and by ensuring TV activity is joined up with social media, search, and e-commerce.

3. Be aware of new thinking on social media and social influence. The "social" channel is much wider than "social media" alone, particularly when it comes to the potential benefits of looking for influential advocates offline as well as online.

4. Marketers should carefully consider their options regarding "big data" to avoid running the risk of alienating consumers through poorly executed attempts at personalization.

Read this in full.

Download our white paper, “Tech, Trends, & Retail Success: See the Future and Act Now,” in which we detail the elements of creating extreme retail in-store experiences.

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you strategically publish and market pbooks, ebooks, and audiobooks.

Learn about SomersaultSocial (@SomersaultHelp), our Web-based author online marketing education modules.

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Gen Z Shows Brand Loyalty

Over 3/5 of Generation Z say that when they find a brand they like they stick with it, according to a recent survey. Forrester Research polled more than 3,000 online Gen Z members, aged 18 to 23, for its report How To Build Your Brand With Generation Z and found 62% are prepared to show loyalty to those brands they enjoy.

"The leading edge of Gen Z is at a pivotal point in their product and brand choices, as they finance their own purchase decisions," Tracy Stokes, report lead and principal analyst at Forrester Research, told Luxury Daily.

Gen Z is the first generation born into a digital world. They are true digital natives who have grown up in the age of technology. The only world they know is a digital one — where they can connect anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. As a result, they are highly promiscuous when it comes to media consumption; they will be the first generation to consume more media online than offline.

Gen Z is more likely than other generations to trust messages from brands and marketing communications via digital channels, according to the report.

And the brands they prefer will inspire their confidence and demonstrate honesty in business practice.

Other findings in the report include the increased willingness of Gen Z, compared to other generations, to pay more for products with an image they like and to own the best brand.

"Marketers need to create a brand experience that is relevant to their customers' lives but also authentic to the brand," said Stokes.

Read this in full.

Download our white paper, “Tech, Trends, & Retail Success: See the Future and Act Now,” in which we detail the elements of creating extreme retail in-store experiences.

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you strategically publish and market pbooks, ebooks, and audiobooks.

Learn about SomersaultSocial (@SomersaultHelp), our Web-based author online marketing education modules.

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And be sure to bookmark and use daily the SomersaultNOW online dashboard; especially the Book Discovery Sites tab.

Disney, Struggling to Find Its Digital Footing, Overhauls

This New York Times (@NYTimesAd) article by Brooks Barnes (@brooksbarnesNYT) shows how difficult it is for traditional companies to adjust to the digital age; they have to learn a whole new way of thinking and doing business. The article has implications for all book publishers.

Trying to finally master the Internet the way it has theme parks or animated films, the Walt Disney Company has redesigned its website,, for the third time in 5 years.

Figuring out the Internet is critical for all media companies, but Disney’s future in particular depends on a winning strategy. The children it hopes to turn into lifelong consumers of its products are increasingly living online. Disney Channel used to be the company’s most important welcome mat. Now executives refer to as the “front door.”

Read this in full.

Also see our blogpost, “In Customer Service Consulting, Disney's Small World Is Growing.”

Download our white paper, “Tech, Trends, & Retail Success: See the Future and Act Now,” in which we detail the elements of creating extreme retail in-store experiences.

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you strategically publish and market pbooks, ebooks, and audiobooks.

Learn about SomersaultSocial (@SomersaultHelp), our Web-based author online marketing education modules.

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And be sure to bookmark and use daily the SomersaultNOW online dashboard; especially the Book Discovery Sites tab.

Library Services in the Digital Age

In a new survey of Americans’ attitudes and expectations for public libraries, the Pew Research Center’s (@pewresearch) Internet & American Life Project (@pewinternet) finds that many library patrons are eager to see libraries’ digital services expand, yet also feel that print books remain important in the digital age.

The following statistics pertain to Americans aged 16 and older:

·         80% say borrowing books is a “very important” service libraries provide.

·         80% say reference librarians are a “very important” service of libraries.

·         77% say free access to computers and the internet is a “very important” service of libraries.

·         Online research services allowing patrons to pose questions and get answers from librarians: 37% would “very likely” use an “ask a librarian” type of service, and another 36% say they would be “somewhat likely” to do so.

·         Apps-based access to library materials and programs: 35% of Americans ages 16 and older would “very likely” use that service and another 28% say they would be “somewhat likely” to do so.

·         Access to technology “petting zoos” to try out new devices: 35% would “very likely” use that service and another 34% say they would be “somewhat likely” to do so.

·         GPS-navigation apps to help patrons locate material inside library buildings: 34% would “very likely” use that service and another 28% say they would be “somewhat likely” to do so.

·         “Redbox”-style lending machines or kiosks located throughout the community where people can check out books, movies or music without having to go to the library itself: 33% would “very likely” use that service and another 30% say they would be “somewhat likely” to do so.

·         “Amazon”-style customized book/audio/video recommendation schemes that are based on patrons’ prior library behavior: 29% would “very likely” use that service and another 35% say they would be “somewhat likely” to do so.

·         Offering a broader selection of ebooks: 53% say libraries should “definitely do” this.

·         73% of library patrons in the past 12 months say they visit to browse the shelves for books or media.

Read this in full.

Read the full report (pdf).

See Publishers Weekly’s (@PublishersWkly) article, “Libraries: Good Value, Lousy Marketing.” And Salon’s (@Salon) “Bring back shushing librarians” by Laura Miller (@magiciansbook).

Also see our blogposts, “Libraries See Opening as Bookstores Close” and “The Digital Bookmobile,” and others tagged “Library.”

Download our white paper, “Tech, Trends, & Retail Success: See the Future and Act Now,” in which we detail the elements of creating extreme retail in-store experiences.

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you strategically publish and market pbooks, ebooks, and audiobooks.

Learn about SomersaultSocial (@SomersaultHelp), our Web-based author online marketing education modules.

Add our Facebook page ( & Twitter stream ( to your Flipboard account on your iPad, iPhone, or Android. Or download our blog as an ebook to your ereader (

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And be sure to bookmark and use daily the SomersaultNOW online dashboard; especially the Book Discovery Sites tab.

Somersault Group Reports on Christian Retail Trends

Members of Somersault were pleased to give the keynote presentation Jan. 9 at the CBA Next 2013 (@ICRShow) event held in cooperation with AmericasMart Atlanta (@AmericasMartATL) in the Atlanta gift mart.

We distributed our white paper, “Tech, Trends, & Retail Success: See the Future and Act Now” and our Christian Bookstore Customer Satisfaction Survey. Both are available online.

We encouraged Christian retailers to brand themselves as more than sellers of product, but as experts in Christian publishing. And to declare their expertise by referring to their bookstore as a “Books Bistro” with “Publishing Einsteins,” so when a customer wants to learn about a Christian topic or write about one, the first expert advisor he or she should think of consulting is their store.

Christian Retailing (@ChristianRetail) covered our presentation:

Seventy percent of Christian store shoppers say they would buy an ebook at a Christian retail store, with many options now available to Christian market retailers, according to publishing strategy and services agency Somersault Group....

Creating an in-store experience that will draw traffic is critical. The panel urged Christian retailers to cultivate an atmosphere that promotes relaxation, provides real-time marketing and offers information openly that reassures customers in their purchase decisions. Stores were also encouraged to assign a staff member to event management and another to digital communication.

“Be the Christian hub of your community,” the panel told NEXT attendees. “Christian booksellers are no longer only in the bookselling business. You are in the community-building, personalized-service, outcome-based-solution-provider, experts-in-all-things-publishing-related and technology business with a spiritual emphasis.”

Read this in full.

Learn more about this retail report in the upcoming March issue of Christian Retailing.

Download our white paper, “Tech, Trends, & Retail Success: See the Future and Act Now,” in which we detail the elements of creating extreme retail in-store experiences.

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you strategically publish and market pbooks, ebooks, and audiobooks.

Learn about SomersaultSocial (@SomersaultHelp), our Web-based author online marketing education modules.

Add our Facebook page ( & Twitter stream ( to your Flipboard account on your iPad, iPhone, or Android. Or download our blog as an ebook to your ereader (

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And be sure to bookmark and use daily the SomersaultNOW online dashboard; especially the Book Discovery Sites tab.

David C Cook Launches Digital-First Book Line

Christian Retailing (@ChristianRetail) reports David C Cook (@David_C_Cook) has launched a digital-first book line with The Most Important Thing Happening by Mark Steele (@steelehousemark), a writer for VeggieTales and president of Steelehouse Productions (@Steelehouse).

Cook's director of digital content Michael Covington (@m_covington) says,"By offering books initially in digital formats, we can be more creative in terms of how that content is packaged and distributed. Additionally, it's our aim to make many of our digital-first titles available in print via print-on-demand technology, so bookstores and readers wanting a bound copy should be able to place orders via Ingram or their favorite retailers, respectively."

Read this in full.

Cook also has a free ebook website:

Another Christian publisher with a digital-first line is Zondervan (@zondervan), with its ZondervanFirst (@ZondervanFirst).

Also see our previous blogposts “Mardel Acquires Espresso Book Machine; Zondervan Creates Direct to Digital Imprint; Alive Launches Bondfire” and “Bookselling Redefined by Kodak and On Demand Books Deal.”

Download our white paper, “Tech, Trends, & Retail Success: See the Future and Act Now,” in which we detail the elements of creating extreme retail in-store experiences.

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you strategically publish and market pbooks, ebooks, and audiobooks.

Learn about SomersaultSocial (@SomersaultHelp) our Web-based author online marketing education modules.

Add our Facebook page ( & Twitter stream ( to your Flipboard account on your iPad, iPhone, or Android. 

Get our blogposts delivered into your email inbox.

And be sure to bookmark and use daily the SomersaultNOW online dashboard; especially the Book Discovery Sites tab.