Infographic: The Anatomy of a Perfect Landing Page

Landing Page Infographic by KISSmetrics (@KISSmetrics).

Search Engine marketing agency Trada (@Trada) held a webinar today explaining "Landing Page Psychology:"

Visitors are likely to have a certain amount of wariness as they're asked to part with money or personal information. Use the following elements to work toward removing this friction from the buying or decision-making cycles.

  1. Incite urgency
  2. Encourage feelings of value
  3. Display credibility
  4. Develop trust

See the slides of this webinar.

Watch the video.

Read the guide.

Infographic: The Periodic Table Of SEO Ranking Factors

Danny Sullivan (@dannysullivan), editor-in-chief of Search Engine Land (@sengineland), has designed this helpful Infographic (#Infographic) “to visually present the major factors, the biggest and most important things that can help you in gaining [website] traffic from search engines.” As a content creator (publisher, agent, organization, author), you’ll want to print it and either keep it handy at your desk or give it to your IT department. Search Engine Optimization is an important component of strategic Social Media Marketing, a specialty of Somersault.

See the chart.

Another SEO-related new announcement you’ll want to read is MarketingVOX's (@marketingvox) “Google, Bing Take on Open Graph with”

As well as Econsultancy's (@Econsultancy) "SEO 'must-do' tips for SMEs: the experts' view."

King James Bible, Now 400, Still Echoes 'Voice Of God'

NPR News featured a report on the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. Reporter Barbara Bradley Hagerty says the King James Bible is the poetry that inspired Handel's oratorio Messiah, as well as modern musicians:

The Byrds sang from Ecclesiastes in Turn Turn Turn: proclaiming that there is “A time to be born, a time to die, A time to plant, a time to reap, A time to kill, a time to heal.” Simon and Garfunkel echoed the Gospels when they sang, “Like a bridge over troubled waters, I will lay me down.” And when Kansas voiced its existential angst — “All we are is dust in the wind” — it was inspired by the Psalms.

Listen to and read this report in full.

A national expo is being held in Washington, DC, where a congressional resolution honoring the KJV Bible will be read. Here’s an excerpt:

Whereas the King James Bible’s relevance and contributions continue to formatively influence the United States: Now, therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress--

(1) recognizes the 400th anniversary of the Authorized King James Version of the Bible being published;

(2) recognizes its lasting influence on countless families, individuals, and institutions in the United States; and

(3) expresses its gratitude for the influence it has bestowed upon the United States.

You may want to see photos of Thomas Nelson’s (@ThomasNelson & @NelsonBibles) historic Bible exhibit shown at the NRB convention this year. The exhibit was part of KJV400.

Also see Somersault’s Infographic of 2011, the year to celebrate the significant and life-changing milestones achieved in the areas of publishing, technology, and innovation.

Infographic: Holy Week Timeline Visualization

Today is Palm Sunday, which begins Holy Week (or Passion Week) — the week that commemorates Jesus’ death and resurrection. Bible Gateway Blog (@biblegateway) — has designed a new Infographic (#infographic) that harmonizes the 4 Gospel accounts of Holy Week and lets you examine the “who,” “what,” and “where” of events leading up to and through Easter. Follow the lines in the chart to see at a glance what people were doing, where they were, and whom they were with at any point during the week.

See the Infographic in full.

Also see Somersault’s Infographic of 2011, the year to celebrate the significant and life-changing milestones achieved in the areas of publishing, technology, and innovation.