Point - Know - Buy

Smartphone-toting consumers are embracing a world in which they can find out about (and potentially buy) anything they see or hear, even if they don’t know what it is or can’t describe it in words. According to trendwatching.com (@trendwatching), the concept of “Point—Know—Buy” will reshape consumers’ info-expectations (“infolust”), search behavior, and purchasing patterns. Here are some of the drivers trendwatching identifies:

·         QR Codes

·         Augmented Reality

·         Tagging

·         Visual Search

Available online services that accommodate those drivers include WordLens (@wordlens), leafsnap (@leafsnap), Skymap (@googleskymap), Shazam (@Shazam), Aurasma (@aurasma), Blippar (@blippar), and others.

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