Internet Retailer (@IR_Magazine) senior editor Zak Stambor (@ZakStamborIR) writes about the requirement of brands to properly use social media marketing.
With consumers spending so much of their time on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and the like, some retailers are brushing aside questions about the return on social marketing dollars. “Measuring the ROI of social media is like measuring the ROI of air conditioning,” says Lisa Gavales, Express Inc.'s chief marketing officer. “It's necessary.”
Many others agree. 76% of marketers in a recent Forrester Research Inc. survey said social networks are key elements to building their brands. Moreover, 71% said that by leveraging social media they could gain an edge on their competition.
But just routinely posting new arrivals to a Facebook page or “pinning” images to a Pinterest board won't cut it. Consumers spend time on social networks to interact with friends, not brands.
Perhaps no retailer is as all-in on social networks as Wal-Mart (WalmartLabs blog & @WalmartLabs).
If Wal-Mart believes in social media marketing for its brand growth, shouldn’t you?
Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help create your social media strategy.
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