Video Ad: Bringing to Life the Joy of Twirling

Here’s a video spot that reflects the fun J of our Somersault (@smrsault) brand. Adweek (@Adweek) writes

To introduce its new Twirl Bites candy, Cadbury (@Cadbury_UK) wanted an uplifting and magical TV spot that would bring the joy of twirling to life. Fallon (@wearefallon) had the ambitious idea of creating an immense whirligig made of fans, gears, propellers, and little spinning worlds all interconnecting, rotating joyously, and exploding with pyrotechnics at the end. The creatives considered CGI, but decided it should be built from scratch, and its gleeful movements captured in camera. “When you create something for real, the imperfections are what make it charming,” says art director Rick Gayton. And imperfections they got. The finished spot — the Twirl brand's first TV ad in 15 years — is grand, infectious, and an impressive feat of engineering. But very little went as planned in the production.

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