The Jetsons vs Reality

For Creativity (@creativitymag), Rupal Parekh (@rupalparekh) compares the 1962 television cartoon show The Jetsons with today’s technological reality.

In honor of The Jetsons' 50th anniversary, we decided to take a look to see how far we've come. And based on where we are so far, by 2062, the year the show is set in, we may just achieve all that the show's writers envisioned and then some. One thing that's massively important to us today and wasn't reflected that way on the show is our powerful mobile phone technology and the importance to us of how small those devices have become, as well as what they permit – constant access to the Internet (not conceived back then) and a variety of useful apps.

The article highlights the following elements from the show: robots, short workdays, trips to the moon, flying cars, video chat, pop stars, floating cities, Jane’s electric dress, human cloning, and vacuum tube transport.

Read this in full.

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