Survey: Technology Doesn't Equal Life Satisfaction

For all the technology we have, it doesn’t seem to be bringing us much happiness, according to a recent survey conducted by research firm Market Probe International and integrated marketing communications agency Euro RSCG Worldwide (@EuroRSCG).

This Digital Life (@prosumer_report) surveyed the opinions of 7,213 people in 19 markets and discovered that

·         55% of respondents believe technology is robbing us of our privacy, while more than half of Millennials worry that a family member or friend will post inappropriate personal information about them online.

·         42% of consumers believe it’s "too soon to tell" whether new technology will have a bad effect on society. 10% already believe the impact is negative.

·         60% say it’s "wrong" for people to share a lot of their personal experiences and feelings online.

·         58% agree people are "losing the ability to engage in civil debate."

·         1 in 3 Millennials say sites such as Facebook and Twitter make them "less satisfied" with their lives.

·         40% of consumers would be happier if they "owned less stuff."

The report says marketers will have to adapt their communications to suit this consumer mood, specifically in “helping people feel a greater sense of control and security.”

"People are looking to replace hyper-consumption and artificiality with a way of living that offers more meaning and more intangible rewards — even as they wish to maintain the modern conveniences upon which they've grown reliant."

Read this in full.

Read the report.

See larger image of above Infographic.

Also see JWT Singapore's (@JWT_Worldwide) news release, "Survey Shows Mounting Social Media Obligations Have Become a Stress and a Chore."

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