Smartphones are Mobile; Tablets Stay at Home

The above Infographic is by Adweek (@Adweek).

According to Tapping Into Tabletomics, a new study released by Viacom (@Viacom), tablet devices have emerged as the leading second-screen alternative to television for viewing full-length episodes. The new research examines consumer behavior and emotions around the tablet user-experience, with a focus on tablets as TV and the dual-screen experience.

Today's Tablet User:

·         62% use their tablets daily.

·         Daily tablet users spend an average of 2.4 hours per day on their tablets.

·         85% of tablet use is for personal reasons versus business.

·         77% of tablet use is alone.

·         74% of tablet usage is done at home.

·         Most media activities on the tablet, such as playing games and watching TV shows, peak with the 18-24 demo.

Read the full news release.

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