Seduction in Advertising

BBC World Service (@bbcworldservice) program The Forum (@BBCTheForum) featured an interview with Dr. Robert Heath, senior lecturer in advertising at University of Bath School of Management (@BathSofM), board member of the Wharton (@wharton) global Future of Advertising project, former advertising executive who worked for some of the world’s top brands, and author of Seducing the Subconscious: The Psychology of Emotional Influence in Advertising (Wiley-Blackwell (@WileyNews & @WB_Business), 2012). He argues that advertising today is no longer about providing information but works more subtly through subliminal emotional meta-communication to increase consumers’ positive and enduring feelings towards the brand.

He uses approaches from experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience to outline his theory of the subconscious influence of advertising in its audience’s lives. In addition to looking at ads’ influence on consumers, Heath also addresses how advertising is evolving, noting especially the ethical implications of its development.

Listen to this in full.

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