McDonald's Behind-the-Scenes Video Goes Viral

The above video demonstrates the value of a company taking a consumer’s question seriously and answering it honestly. A consumer asked McDonald’s (@McDonalds), “Why does your food look different in the advertising than what is in the store?”

The hamburger chain responded with a behind-the-scenes tour of a McDonald's Canada photo shoot showing how Watt International (@Wattisretail) preps a Quarter Pounder to look edible for ads. In 3 days, the 3½ minute viral video had 3.5 million views.

Lesson? Answer your customers’ questions with transparency and it will contribute to your brand’s positive reputation.

Also see our previous blogpost, “The 3 Qualities That Make A YouTube Video Go Viral.”

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you strategize public relations and produce videos that effectively communicate your brand’s message to your target audience.

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