Infographic: The CMO's Guide To Inbound (Discovery) Marketing

The above Infographic (enlarge it) is by Marketo (@marketo).

According to this article on All Twitter (@alltwtr), inbound marketing is the concept of “capturing the attention of prospects and helping them find your brand (or products) before they're ready to buy. This can be done in a variety of ways, but search, content marketing, and, increasingly, social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, are found to be the most effective.”

The approach differs from traditional marketing in that the campaign makes it easier for leads to find the brand, as opposed to the other way around.

A successful inbound marketing strategy will usually implement the following:

1. The creation of a central theme to anchor efforts each month

2. The creation of 2-3 small pieces of content around said theme

3. Regular updates on social media channels to get the word out about this content

4. The production of one major piece of content to support the theme

5. Blogging

6. Analysis and optimization

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you plan and execute effective inbound marketing strategy for your brand.

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