Computing is rapidly evolving into a real “ecology,” where chips will be embedded in everything from your coffee mug to your sweater. The above video produced by Mickey McManus’ (@mickeymcmanus) design consultancy, MAYA, illustrates this idea.
Also see Discover Magazine’s (@DiscoverMag) article, “The Internet May Soon Include All of the Things Around You.”
B. Bonin Bough (@boughb), Global Head of Digital for PepsiCo, writes in Forbes (@Forbes) about his discussion at the Milken Global Conference (@MilkenInstitute) with Nicholas Carr, renowned author who’s investigating how technology is impacting the way we think. Bough asks the question, “How often do we outsource traditional ways of thinking to smart devices, choosing to sacrifice learning and let the technology think for us?” And he suggests we’re losing something in the process.
In the (@bigthink) interview below, Carr describes the technologies that have reshaped the way our brains work.
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