Amazon Unveils 3 New Kindles

Chart source: The Verge (@verge)

Amazon today announced the availability of the ereaders Kindle ($79), Kindle Touch ($99), and the Kindle Fire, an Android-powered touchscreen tablet with a 7-inch display that will sell for just $199, or less than Barnes & Noble's $249 Nook Color and less than half of Apple's entry-level $499 iPad.

Read the news:

Warc (@WarcEditors): "Publishers embrace Amazon's tablet."

Apple Insider (@appleinsider): “Amazon Kindle Fire aims to undercut Apple's iPad with $199 price.”

Amazon's new $79 Kindle, $99 Kindle Touch stick with e-ink display.”

Publishers Weekly (@PublishersWkly) live blog of the announcement.

PW writes, “The Kindle has a new feature called ‘x-ray’ that lets you look at ‘the bones of the book,’ by which Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos means looking up various historical references and real characters mentioned on a particular page of a book. Amazon has ‘pre-calculated all of the interesting phrases’ in a book, so along with the book comes a ‘side-file’ with all of this information included.”

kindle book sales vs print book sales