7 Basic Types of Stories: Which One Is Your Brand Telling?

Image by Colin Craig, The Big Orange Slide

In Adweek (@Adweek), Tim Nudd (@nudd) reports on a panel of advertisers who said only 7 types of stories exist and the “challenge becomes finding which one best suits your brand, and then telling it skillfully, believably, and — if you're going to invite consumers to join in the story — extremely carefully.”

The discussion was based around author Christopher Booker's contention, in his book Seven Basic Plots, that 7 archetypal themes recur in every kind of storytelling

1. Overcoming the Monster. The classic underdog story.

2. Rebirth. A story of renewal.

3. Quest. A mission from point A to point B.

4. Journey and Return. About transformation through travel and homecoming.

5. Rags to Riches. From obscurity to prominence.

6. Tragedy. The barren human experience

7. Comedy. Emotionally elevating.

At the core of every brand, said one marketer, is a good story waiting to happen.

Read this in full.

Social media marketing speaker Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan) encourages his followers to “Tell Big Stories.”

In a post on the HBR Blog Network (@HarvardBiz), Rosabeth Moss Kanter (@RosabethKanter) says people remember stories more easily than numbers, and if told in the right way and with the right message, they can motivate action. She says, if you want to transform your organization (brand), start by challenging the stories you tell about the company and how it operates.

Read this in full.

And MarketingProfs (@MarketingProfs) has a brief slideshow on “How to Tell Your Company’s Story:”

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