According to The Christian Post (@ChristianPost), a report to be released August 1 by a globalized think tank predicts that although the world of tomorrow will be richer, healthier and better educated, it will also be a more violent and corrupt unless action is taken to curb terror-related crime.
The Millennium Project’s (@MillenniumProj) 2011 State of the Future (pdf) reports the world's future will include improved access to water, food, health care and schooling. The report projects the number of physicians per 1,000 people will grow to over 20% by 2020. Infant mortality is also projected to drop from over 40% last year to under 30% in the next decade. Both malnutrition and problems accessing water is expected to shrink to less than 15%.
Global school enrollment will rise to 70% in the next decade and the number of women in government is expected to exceed 300% from under 20% in the previous decade, the report predicts.
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