Why You Need to Chase the Social Media Train You Just Missed

In keeping with our earlier blog post this morning, here’s a quick explanation of the ways social media marketing is effective, from a post by Birdsong Creative (@birdsongcreativ), a graphic design and marketing communications agency. When you read this, recognize that “your business” as an author is your personal brand.

Why explore social networking options for your business? Simple:

Traditional Marketing is Losing Its Punch. People love to talk to each other. The one-way advertising speech from business to customer is over. The Internet has revolutionized buyer behavior and savvy businesses shouldn’t expect traditional marketing strategies to pull the influential punch it has in the past.

Your Customers are Online. You need to fish where the fishing is good. More and more, online communities are where you will find your customers and potential customers. Get cookin’ on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo, and Yelp and find out what your target market is thinking, buying, and yes, even ranting about. Check out forums and groups for opinions and tailor your marketing message to the conversation.

Read this blog post in full.