In an article for E-Commerce Times (@technewsworld), Rudy DeFelice, CEO of Bizinate (@Bizinate), stresses that effective marketing in today’s environment means focusing your efforts on people that know and care about you and what you have to say, then empowering them to spread the word through their networks. He says, “Since everyone spreading your message, starting with you, has an authentic relationship with their networks, your message has a distinct advantage over the undifferentiated messages we're all bombarded with every day. So use that advantage.”
A simple way to think of growing your business is to divide the universe into a few market segments and use the right approach for each segment. Most e-commerce businesses don't have the resources or bandwidth for an all out assault on the entire marketplace. Therefore, it is necessary to win where it matters.
You can think of the universe of your potential audience in three concentric circles.
· Your network: This is your sweet spot, so focus here....
· Their networks: Your objective here is to equip your network appropriately to reach this audience....
· Everyone else: You ignore them....
He says your marketing communication message should “offer a unique experience, not just a great product” and ‘have something new to say.”
Also see our previous blogpost, “Social Media Is About Cultivating Community, Not Corralling Cattle” and “Forget Product Positioning, This is the Dawn of the Relationship Era.”
Download our white paper, “Tech, Trends, & Retail Success: See the Future and Act Now,” in which we detail the elements of creating extreme retail in-store experiences.
Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you strategically publish and market pbooks, ebooks, and audiobooks.
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