Dan Zarrella (@danzarrella), social media scientist at HubSpot (@HubSpot), conducted a webinar (#TimeSci) explaining his research into the marketing best practices of when to tweet, blog, email, and more. Here are a few of his conclusions:
- The most retweeted tweets occur between 2-5pm Eastern Time, Thursday & Friday.
- Twitter links click-through-rate (CTR) dips on Mondays & Thursdays; all other days are strong.
- Twitter CTRs are strongest 10am & 5pm ET.
- Twitter CTRs don’t decline at night.
- Don’t be afraid to tweet more for maximum effectiveness.
- Post updates to Facebook pages every-other day.
- Weekends are best for Facebook sharing of links for both B2C & B2B.
- Articles published in the morning are shared on Facebook slightly more often than those published in the afternoon.
- Most people check their email in morning (but percentages are still very high into the evening and night).
- Email open rates tend to be higher on weekends and early in the mornings.
- Emails get more attention on weekends.
- Emailing frequently doesn’t diminish CTRs as long as the content is valuable and relevant to the subscriber.
- Frequent emailing of quality content does not increase unsub rates.
- The newest subscribers to your email list are your best.
- Most people read blogs in the morning and afternoon. More men read blogs in the evening and night than women.
- Monday is the day for heavy blog reading; Tuesday dips; Wednesday through Friday are equal; dipping again on the weekend.
- Blog posts at 10-11am ET tend to get more views.
- Blog comments spike on weekends.
- Blog early in the morning to get more links by the linkeratti.
- Blog more frequently; even multiple times per day.