The New Mass Medium

This article in Internet Retailer (@IR_Magazine) says Facebook is today for marketers what ABC, CBS, and NBC TV networks were in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s: mass media that could reach practically all US consumers with a sweeping marketing message.

Today, the way to market to the masses is through Facebook, where 135.7 million US consumers spent time in March, according to market research firm Nielsen Co.

And consumers don’t just click on Facebook and leave — they spent on average more than 6 hours and 35 minutes on the social network in March, nearly 5 times the one hour and 21 minutes the average Web user spent on Google, Nielsen says. What’s more, while on Facebook they share information about themselves, interacting with the site 90 times in an average month — posting photos and updates, commenting on friends’ posts, Liking products and articles, and more.

In short, millions of shoppers are constantly telling Facebook Inc. about themselves, what interests them, where they live, what they buy and who their friends are. That’s a treasure trove of consumer information. And in the last year or so Facebook has regularly been introducing innovations that enable retailers and other marketers to use that detailed information to precisely target the consumers they wish to reach.

Read the article and its examples in full.

How are you using Facebook to advance your brand?