Tablets Change Shopping, Media Habits

According to MediaPost’s (@MediaPost) Online Media Daily, the spread of connected PCs, smartphones, and tablets has altered how people consume media and make purchases. So says a new study by mobile ad network InMobi (@inmobi) and Mobext, the mobile marketing arm of Havas Digital (@HavasDigital). Among the highlights:

·         Tablet use has risen quickly to 29.5 million US users, 11% of the total US population.

·         Over 60% of US tablet owners spend at least 30 minutes each day accessing media content on their tablets and 52% use a tablet to fill what previously would have been “dead time.”

·         After buying a tablet, 29% of tablet owners say they stopped surfing the Internet via their PC and/or laptop.

·         Nearly half of tablet owners — 48% — agree that tablets’ appealing design and accessibility make it is easier to access media content than on a PC or laptop.

·         When it comes to shopping, 22% of tablet users say they've shopped less in physical stores since purchasing a tablet and more than half (55%) make purchases on their device in an average month.

·         Tablet use peaks at home in the evening between 6 pm and midnight for most owners.

·         Regarding considered purchases, 55% of tablet owners say they first learn about the product on their tablet, 53% actively evaluate the product, and 58% follow through with purchasing those goods on their tablet.

Read this in full.

Read the press release.

Also see our previous blogpost, “Tablets Fuel New Habits.”

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