Social Media Communication, including Email, Rising

The above chart displays research by MarketTools (@MarketTools) that finds email has definitely NOT lost its usefulness; in fact people say they’re using it MORE these days to stay current in their communication outflow and intake. News stories, such as “The Death of IMing” by Business Insider (@alleyinsider) and another by WebProNews (@WebProNews) that have reported this research, seem to interpret the data as dramatically showing Instant Messaging can now be declared “dead.” We don’t agree. Any research has a margin of error. Even a 1% margin of error in this survey would level-out the “decreased” figure. At worst, IMing can safely be described as “staying the same.”

The above chart clearly shows the importance of strategically using the appropriate social media to effectively (and integratively) communicate a brand’s message. 

FYI: Microsoft created the Infographic below (shown vertically at WebProNews) to trace the history of email.