According to the US Census Bureau (@uscensusbureau), the US population is 308,745,538. And it says the exact midpoint of America’s population has now moved to Plato, Missouri. Researchers determine the country’s center as the place where an imaginary, flat, weightless, and rigid map of the United States would balance perfectly if all residents were of identical weight. CNN (@CNN & @cnnbrk) reports the news this way:
Plato is a quaint and rural place in a nation that, according to the 2010 Census, is becoming less so, as more people move to urban areas, especially the suburbs and exurbs.
Forget big-city lights and traffic jams. Here, you can drive through town in 1 minute and 9 seconds, going the speed limit of 40 mph. On that drive, you’ll pass two churches, several fields of horses, a post office, a school, and five businesses....
...Plato feels different from other places, too. No one here is in a hurry. It’s a place where people still use “visit” as a verb that refers to the act of chatting with neighbors for hours on end with absolutely nothing pressing to discuss. People here get “tickled” by things like fishing, baseball games, turkey hunts, town gossip, and wading in the local streams....
...Plato very well may be stuck in a Norman Rockwell painting that the rest of us decided to toss in the garage decades ago. But this tiny community is more central to 2011 America than it might seem. America sometimes wishes it were a little more like Plato....
Average people in average, America. How are you publishing and marketing to meet their needs?