Tablet ownership is skewing beyond the market of young men, according to NielsenWire (@NielsenWire).
Back in Q3 2010, for example, 62% of tablet owners were under the age of 34 and only 10% were over the age of 55. By Q2 2011, only 46% of tablet owners were under the age of 34 and the percentage of those over 55 had increased to 19%.
Ereader ownership is changing too. Sixty-one percent of all eReader owners are now female, compared to 46% in Q3 2010. As Econsultancy (@Econsultancy) says, tablets are from Mars and ereaders are from Venus.
(Smartphone owners are now evenly split between male and female and tablets remain primarily male.)
In a new Pew Research Center (@pewinternet) report, 49% of college presidents use a tablet computer at least occasionally and 42% use an e-reader.
How will the fact that tablets and ereaders are becoming more mainstream impact your publishing plans?