New York Times Bestseller Seth Godin to No Longer Publish Books Traditionally

Seth GodinReporter Jeff Rivera quoted Seth Godin last Friday evening on Media Bistro’s Galleycat that he is done with traditional book publishing. Since Seth is such an influencer and in the vanguard of consumer thinking, this pronouncement is going to shake-up the publishing world. People are going to sit up, take notice, and make changes. This is how Jeff quotes Seth:


I've decided not to publish any more books in the traditional way. 12 for 12 and I'm done. I like the people, but I can't abide the long wait, the filters, the big push at launch, the nudging to get people to go to a store they don't usually visit to buy something they don't usually buy, to get them to pay for an idea in a form that's hard to spread ... I really don't think the process is worth the effort that it now takes to make it work. I can reach 10 or 50 times as many people electronically. No, it's not 'better', but it's different. So while I'm not sure what format my writing will take, I'm not planning on it being the 1907 version of hardcover publishing any longer.


In his blog today, Seth writes about his decision. Here’s an excerpt:


Traditional book publishers use techniques perfected a hundred years ago to help authors reach unknown readers, using a stable technology (books) and an antique and expensive distribution system.... All a long way of saying that as the methods for spreading ideas and engaging with people keep changing, I can't think of a good reason to be on the defensive. It's been years since I woke up in the morning saying, "I need to write a book, I wonder what it should be about." Instead, my mission is to figure out who the audience is, and take them where they want and need to go, in whatever format works, even if it's not a traditionally published book.


Read Seth’s blog post in full.