More Than 1/3 of Online Adults Visit Church Websites

According to recent research, 44% of online American adults (that’s 35% of all American adults) use the Internet for religious purposes.

Now a new study by Grey Matter Research, Phoenix, AZ, says 36% of American adults who are online have visited the website of a church or other local place of worship within the last year.

Most commonly, people visiting the website of a place of worship are

·         checking to see the times of services (43%)

·         checking what activities are offered (e.g. youth groups, studies, events – 29%)

·         looking for a map or directions to the church’s location (28%)

·         watching streaming video (26%)

·         listening to streaming audio (26%)

·         checking to see what the church’s religious beliefs are (22%)

·         requesting prayer (18%)

·         downloading a podcast (15%)

·         checking what denomination or group they belong to (15%)

·         sending a message to the pastor or leader (12%)

·         posting on a bulletin board or forum (5%).

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