Marketing Challenge: 4 Million "Unique" Bottles

Occasionally publishing professionals may tend to view books as commodities rather than the individual works of value that they are; especially with the onslaught of nearly 1,000 books being published every day. The sheer volume can make marketers lose focus. And if that challenge isn’t enough, today’s market is demanding more and more personalization and customization. Marketers must appeal to consumers needs in more personal and social ways.

The above video offers a lesson in innovative “custom mass-marketing” from the marketers of the vodka brand, Absolut. Engineers and designers created rules that allowed machines to behave randomly to create 4 million uniquely designed (“personalized”) bottles.

What can we learn and adapt from this marketing approach? Write your comments below.

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1 response
This is brilliant, I think. Of course there's always the risk of losing some of your branding identity, but by careful selection of colors and design parameters, all of the bottles (or, let's say, all of the book covers) could have a strong family identity. And frankly, when it comes to book covers, branding isn't as much of an issue as with drink bottles. It's true that particular authors have a "look" to all of their book covers, but as a whole, designers approach each book cover as a clean slate.