Kobo to Become a Publisher

According to CBC News (@CBCNews), Canadian-based ebook seller and ereader Kobo (@kobo) is following in Amazon's footsteps and will create a publishing arm sometime next year that will deal directly with authors.

Like Amazon, which announced two weeks ago that it would be publishing 122 original titles this fall, Kobo will be offering complete publishing services for authors, including book editing and design.

Read this in full.

Also see our previous blogpost, "Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal."

1 response
I think Kobo will be hard-pressed to convince authors who might want to partner with them that Kobo can provide the kind of exposure and availability that Kindle/Amazon can. Look for Kobo to try to establish some strategic partnerships that will make them look more like  a major competitor to Amazon/Kindle--either that or find ways to offer authors a much better deal that Amazon is.