IPad newspaper The Daily launches its first edition

News Corp. debuted The Daily (@daily) today, a "digital newspaper" designed specifically for the 14.8 million iPads sold since last April and the millions more expected yet to sell. Joined by Apple executive Eddy Cue, the company's Internet division chief, News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch unveiled the publication to which his company has committed around 100 staffers and an investment of $30 million.

"No paper. No multi-million dollar presses. No trucks," Murdoch said. "We're passing on these savings to the reader, which is why we can offer The Daily for just 14 cents a day." It represents an opportunity to "make the business of editing and news gathering viable again," he said.

Read this CNN Money article in full.

For a critical review, read “The Daily - stunning but too slow.”

For an alternate review, see “Why The Daily’s Detractors Are Missing The Point.”