Happy International Apostrophe Day

The Guardian’s (@guardian) Style Guide (@guardianstyle) editor David Marsh (@davidrmarsh) has declared today to be International Apostrophe Day (#apostropheday).

For proper execution, see The Writing Kit’s tutorial, Using the Apostrophe, and the above poster (see it enlarged).

Read why the British bookstore chain Waterstone’s (@Waterstones) dropped its apostrophe earlier this year, then listen to two BBC commentators discuss its implications.

See The Apostrophe Protection Society and the blogs Apostrophe Abuse (@apostropheabuse) and Apostrophe Catastrophes.

For fun, see this apostrophe/comma Speed Bump comic by Dave CoverlyJ

And remember that the popular Bible translation Common English Bible (@CommonEngBible) uses the apostrophe in its copious number of contractions (which are used where the text warrants an engaging conversational style, but not used in divine or poetic discourse).

Let Somersault’s (@smrsault) editorial expertise help you properly use apostrophes when communicating your brand’s message.

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