Gamification: The New Marketing Buzzword

On Publishing Perspectives (@pubperspectives) Hannah Johnson (@HannahSJohnson) writes, “Over the past year or so, gamification (also called game mechanics, serious games, and funware) has become a mainstream technique that marketers rely on to drive more traffic to their websites, to increase content consumption, and to encourage user participation. Have you ever taken a poll or survey on a company’s website? Have you ever signed up for a newsletter for a chance to win a prize? ….All of these are examples of gamification, and you can expect to see a lot more of this in the near future.”

She continues

For publishers who are experimenting with enhanced content, maintaining author websites and creating consumer-facing websites, adding game mechanics can be a great way to get readers to engage with the content.

Johnson includes a TED video of game researcher Jane McGonigal (@avantgame) who says 3 billion hours a week are currently spent playing online games. She lists 4 attributes gamers want to be associated with:

1.    Urgent Optimism

2.    Social Fabric

3.    Blissful Productivity

4.    Epic Meaning

Read this article in full and watch the video.

Also see Econsultancy’s (@Econsultancy) “Gamification: Is everything a game?” which says this type of marketing is about “motivations, reward, and aligning ambitions between the business and the people they want to engage.”

Another article to read is BizReport’s (@BizReport) “How to incorporate gamification into your strategy.”

Gamification even extends to journalism. See Ken Doctor's (@kdoctor) article on The Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University (@niemanlab), "The newsonomics of gamification - and civilization."