Flying 'People' Viral Video

Thinkmodo (@thinkmodo) dreamed up a publicity stunt for the movie Chronicle about three teenagers who get superpowers and can fly. The stunt? Create people-shaped motorized kites, video record them flying over New York, and hope the video goes viral. It has. In just four days, the video has more than 5 million views on YouTube.  Discovery (@Discovery_News) explains the technology behind it all. And here’s a CNN report about it.

Also see our previous blogpost, “How ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ Reveals the True Meaning of Viral Content.”

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1 response
What a great concept. Ten years ago, this would have probably fallen flat, meriting no more than a minor mention in Billboard or Advertising Age and a news clip, and seen only by a few thousand people who happened to be in the area in NY during those 3-4-minute flights. Now it gets five million viewers who hear about the movie connection. And what makes it effective is that the concept is so closely allied to the product being promoted that people will remember the movie. Great use of new media to promote a product.

David Lambert Editorial Director, Somersault 616-446-8042