50 Ways Under $50 To Promote Your Book

Penny C. Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc. (@Bookgal), offers 50 ideas for inexpensive book promotion, such as

·         Buy your domain name as soon as you have a title for your book.

·         Head on over to Blogger.com or Wordpress.com and start your very own blog.

·         Set up an event at your neighborhood bookstore. Do an event and not a signing, book signings are boring!

·         Create an email signature for every email you send; email signatures are a great way to promote your book and message.

·         Start a Twitter account and begin tweeting.

Read this in full.

Also see “Promote Your Book on a Budget: 20 Thrifty Ways to Get Your Writing Out There” and “Promoting your book on a budget: A response to BookBaby” by Suw Charman-Anderson (@Suw).

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