On Wired’s (@wired) epicenter (@epicenterblog), John C. Abell (@johncabell), Wired.com's New York editor, gives his reasons why ebooks are fundamentally flawed:
1) An unfinished ebook isn’t a constant reminder to finish reading it.
2) You can’t keep your books all in one place.
3) Notes in the margins help you think.
4) Ebooks are positioned as disposable, but aren’t priced that way.
5) Ebooks can’t be used for interior design.
About the last point, Abell says
It may be all about vanity, but books — how we arrange them, the ones we display in our public rooms, the ones we don’t keep — say a lot about what we want the world to think about us. Probably more than any other object in our homes, books are our coats of arms, our ice breakers, our calling cards. Locked in the dungeon of your digital reader, nobody can hear them speak on your behalf.
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