1 Facebook Fan = 20 Additional Visits to Your Website

Hitwise (@Hitwise_UK & @Hitwise_US) believes in the benefits of social media and that Facebook in particular is becoming critical to the success of multi-channel marketing. Leveraging its unique data sets, it’s determined that every new fan retailers acquire on Facebook is worth 20 additional visits to its website over the course of a year. Fans are clearly worth the social media effort.

Read the report in full.

According to Business Insider War Room (@tbi_warroom) Facebook fans and Twitter followers have an avalanche effect. “As hard as it is to get that first handful of followers, thanks to news feeds and retweets, your social media fans can grow exponentially. Plus, users are far more likely to ‘Like’ a page that thousands of other people have already ‘liked.’” It offers tips on how to “get millions of business followers”:

  • Use targeted advertising on Facebook
  • Pay for fans
  • Incentivize clicking “Like” or following on Twitter
  • Piggyback off hot-button issues
  • Notice trending hashtags
  • Target popular tweeters
  • Create good content
  • Update frequently
  • Engage customers’ conversations
  • Respond to complaints

Read these in full.

According to an analysis by Ben Elowitz (@elowitz), of Digital Quarters blog, Facebook, online video, and mobile consumption are causing the rest of the Web to shrink. He says in the future brands will need to spend less time on SEO and more time optimizing for Facebook.

Read the analysis in full.

As for Somersault (@smrsault), please Like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter. Then tell your friends to as well. Thanks!