Self-Publishing a Book: 25 Things You Need to Know

In 2 articles, CNET’s (@CNET) executive editor David Carnoy (@DavidCarnoy) offers step-by-step tips on how to self-publish print books as well as ebooks.

Self-publishing a print book is easy. Self-publishing an ebook is even easier.

You choose a size for your book, format your Word manuscript to fit that size, turn your Word doc into a PDF, create some cover art in Photoshop, turn that into a PDF, and upload it all to the self-publisher of your choice and get a book proof back within a couple of weeks (or sooner) if you succeeded in formatting everything correctly. You can then make changes and swap in new PDFs.

After you officially publish your book, you can make changes to your cover and interior text by submitting new PDFs, though your book will go offline (“out of stock”) for a week or two. Companies may charge a fee (around $25-$50) for uploading a new cover or new interior.

Read this in full.

Carnoy’s other article, “How to Self-Publish an Ebook,” suggests basic tips for ebook publishing and lays out best options for publishing quickly and easily.

·         It's gotta be good....

·         Create an arresting cover....

·         Price your ebook cheaply....

·         Avoid any outfits that don't let you set the price....

·         Marketing is all about creating awareness for your ebook....

Read this in full.

Also see MediaShift's (@mediatwit) "A Step-By-Step Guide to US Copyright Registration for Self-Publishers."

Contact Somersault (@smrsault) to help you publish and market your content, as either a pbook or ebook.

And be sure to bookmark and use daily the SomersaultNOW online dashboard; especially the Publishers tab that includes links to self-publishing services.